The Tax Calculator is used to test transactions and provide quoting results in real time.
Once logged into CereTax, navigate to Tools > Tax Calculator
Configuration Values
Populate the following required fields, as indicated by an asterisk:
Profile - Select the Profile you want to run a tax calculation for
If there is only one Profile in your CereTax account, this should already be displayed as the default
Calculation Type - Sales (to calculate sales tax) or Purchase (to calculate use tax)
Content Date - The month you want to run a tax calculation for
The Content Date will default to the most recent Content period
To run a transaction for a prior period, select an option from the drop-down
Invoice Values
Populate the following required fields, as indicated by an asterisk:
Business Type - Select the type of business you are engaged in
RETAIL is the default value, if this is not the appropriate option for your business, select an alternative from the drop down
Customer Type - Select the type of customer you are selling to
COMMERCIAL is the default value, if this is not the appropriate option, select an alternative from the drop down
Seller Type - PHYSICAL NEXUS IN STATE is the default value
If your Business is registered as a Remote Seller in Alabama and/or Texas, select the REMOTE SELLER option from the drop-down. This will return the fixed Remote Seller rates for these states
If your Business is registered as a Direct Marketer in Louisiana, select the DIRECT MARKETER option from the drop-down. This will return the fixed Direct Marketer rate
Additional Optional field:
Customer Account - If desired, enter a value in this field
Address Details
Select Add Addresses
Select a Tax Situs option from the drop-down
Depending on your Profile type, different options may be available
At a minimum, one of the required fields must be populated, as indicated by as asterisk
e.g. Postal Code
If desired, select the Validate Address check box
This requires all address elements be populated (Address, City, State, Postal Code)
Click Save Address once all desired elements have been entered
Line Items
Select New Line Item
Select a PS Code option from the drop down
This is a searchable field, you can enter the numerical PS Code value or search for key words in the PS Code description
Enter a Revenue amount
This can be a positive or negative value
Enter a value for the Quantity
CereTax does not perform any calculation based on Revenue x Quantity
Select a value from the Unit Type drop down
The Tax Situs and Address fields should be populated as previously entered in the Address Details section
Clock Save Line Item
If you are adding multiple line items, repeat the steps above until all line items have been added
Once all Line Items have been added, click Calculate Tax
Tax Details
Select the down arrow at the far-right of the screen to view the details of the tax calculation
Click the Edit icon to make changes to any line items
Click the Trash icon to delete a line item
The Reset Tax Calculator button can be selected to completely reset the line items
Transactions processed using the Tax Calculator will also show up in the Transactions > Sales screen in a Quote status