When address validation errors occur, there are a few reasons the address could not be validated. Typically, address validation errors are a result of an incorrect address or incorrect address components such as the zip code entered is not a valid zip code for the city and state entered, etc. If you encounter an address validation error, we first recommend checking the address against the United States Postal Service (USPS) database to ensure the address is correct. Currently, address validation is only supported for US addresses.
Navigate to the USPS Zip Code by Address tool to search for the address. While not required, the 4-digitsafter a zip code (“Zip+4 code”) provides more precise delivery information than just the 5-digit code. It’s recommended best practice to include the 4-digitcode if it’s available.
Using CereTax’s address without the 4-digit code, the USPS is suggesting 24 variations of this address and there are eleven different 4-digit codes for this address.
Re-running thesearch with our suite number, the USPS is advising the 4-digit code should be3817. Using the arrow on the address row, expand the details for that address.
Within the details of the address, check the code listed under “DPV Confirmation Indicator.” This is the primary method used by the USPS to determine whether an address is considered deliverable or undeliverable.
As provided by the USPS, the DPV Confirmation Indicator statuses are as follows:
· Y: Address was DPV confirmed for both primary and (if present) secondary numbers.
· D: Address was DPV confirmed for the primary number only, and the secondary number information was missing.
· S: Address was DPV confirmed for the primary number only, and the secondary number information was present by not confirmed.
· N: Both primary and (if present) secondary number information failed to DPV confirm.
Any addresses with a DPV Confirmation Indicator of “N” cannot be validated. The address owner will need to contact and work with the USPS to get their address validated.
If you’ve checked the address and are still encountering an address error, please submit a support case to support@ceretax.com with any appropriate details and screen shots to allow us to research.
Currently, address validation is only supported for US addresses. Canadian addresses can be manually validated by utilizing the Canada Post site:
USPS API Guide: https://www.usps.com/business/web-tools-apis/address-information-api.htm