Install & Setup

The CereTax nopCommerce integration is currently in development and is not yet publicly available. This installation guide is currently for development and testing purposes only.

The Avalara tax provider plugin must be uninstalled from nopCommerce in order for the CereTax tax provider plugin to work as expected.

Installing and setting up CereTax for nopCommerce

Installing the CereTax plugin

Follow the steps below to install the CereTax nopCommerce plugin: 

1. In your nopCommerce dashboard, navigate to Configuration > Local plugins.

2. On the Local plugins page, select "Upload plugin or theme"

3. Select the .zip file provided to you for the CereTax plugin and click "Upload plugin or theme".

4. Restart your application (or click 'Reload list of plugins' button).

5. Scroll down through the list of plugins to find the newly installed CereTax plugin, or filter on Group = Tax providers

6. Click on the 'Install' link next to the CereTax plugin.

7. Click on the 'Restart application to apply changes' button on the top panel to finish the installation process.

Configure CereTax

After the CereTax plugin is installed, it needs to be configured. Follow the steps below to configure the CereTax plugin:

1. In your nopCommerce dashboard, navigate to Configuration > Tax providers.

2. On the Tax providers page, select "Make as primary provider" on the CereTax row and then select "Configure".

3. Under "Connection settings" on the Configure - CereTax tax provider page, complete the following fields and then select "Save Credentials".

  • Environment: Select the CereTax environment you wish to connect to: CERT (Sandbox) or Production.
  • API Key: Enter your CereTax API Key for the selected environment.
  • Profile: Enter the CereTax profile that will be used for your nopCommerce sales.

4. After your credentials are saved, select "Test Connection".

  • If your credentials are valid, "Connection verified" will display.
  • If your credentials are invalid, "Connection declined" will display. Please review your API Key and the selected environment if this occurs.

5. Under "Integration settings" on the Configure - CereTax tax provider page, complete the following fields and then select "Save" in the upper right corner.

  • Business Type: Select a Business Type that best represents your business. For testing purposes, we recommend selecting 01 (RETAIL).
  • Customer Type: Select a Customer Type that best represents your customers. For testing purposes, we recommend selecting 02 (COMMERCIAL).
  • Default PS Code: Select a PS Code that will be used for any product that is not assigned a PS Code. For testing purposes, we recommend selecting 11010100 (All Taxable).
  • Post Transactions: When checked, finalized transactions will be sent to CereTax with a status of Posted. If transactions are finalized/posted in another system connected to CereTax, this option should remain unchecked to avoid duplicate postings.
  • Address Validation: When checked, new addresses will be validated by CereTax.
  • Enable Logging: When checked, address validation and tax calculation requests from nopCommerce to CereTax will be logged.

Whenever any changes are made to your CereTax configuration, remember to save the changes before navigating to another page.

Product Mapping

Sync CereTax PS Codes

1. In your nopCommerce dashboard, navigate to Configuration > Tax categories.

2. Select "Sync Ceretax PS Codes" in the upper right corner.

3. Refresh the Tax categories page and verify the CereTax PS Codes were loaded. Approximately 550 PS Codes should be added.

Assign CereTax PS Codes to your Products

1. In your nopCommerce dashboard, navigate to Catalog > Products.

2. Select a product.

3. On the product's page, navigate to the Prices section

4. Select a CereTax PS Codes from the "Tax category" drop-down and save the product.