No, address validation is only supported for US addresses at this time. Addresses from other CereTax-supported countries, like Canada, can still be used to calculate tax, but cannot be validated using the CereTax SuiteApp. CereTax will return an error in NetSuite when it cannot determine the location of the transaction based on the address inputs provided.
To validate an address, the existing address record must have a street address and postal code, or a street address, city, and state.
If you attempt to validate an address and CereTax cannot validate it against the USPS database, the address will be flagged as invalid. When this occurs, we recommend reviewing the Address 1 field in NetSuite and making sure it includes an actual street address and no supplemental information, like addressee. The street address field should only include the street address and any applicable building, unit, suite, or apartment number. If no changes are required to the Address 1 field, the address should be verified with the address owner.
No, when an invoice is deleted or voided in NetSuite it will be automatically reversed and suspended in CereTax. When you view a deleted or voided invoice in CereTax it will have a status of "Suspended"
The shipping address is the default address used to calculate tax. If a shipping address is not available on a transaction, the billing address will be used.
No, the CereTax SuiteApp is configured to trigger tax calculation for orders and invoices created through the UI or NetSuite's API.